Picked up a Gakken MyKit Junior electronic project kit for 10 SEK (roughly 1 GBP) at a flea market for kids yesterday. Had a little time to rig it up and check it today. Managed to build two variations on a simple oscillator in under ten minutes. Hooked it up to the Korg Monotron as a speaker. Took some photographs, will try to make a recording eventually.
Picked up the same kit from a local flea market for 5 euros. What a great design with the panel! I also have the Gakken EX-60, that on the other hand looks like piece of MacGyver prop.
Nice to see we share the same intrest in early electronica, music, robots and gizmoes :)
But why I bothered to write when I could have had just morsed you, d`oh!
Finns det möjlighet att få kopiera instruktionsboken?
Vänlig hälsning.
Mattias Carlsson
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