I'm in the middle of the process of transferring most of the surviving tapes from the early Physique Sedition era to digital in order to make them (or at least a selection) available on bandcamp. Most of these recordings are very primitive, recorded in mono on one of two stereo channels on a standard tape deck. Most also recorded to normal grade ferric tape, so some are starting to show their age. One exception to this was the latest real recording we did were all three of us were present. Towards the end of 1992 we managed to borrow a 4-track Tascam porta studio from a friend of mine's brother's friend ... and recorded four tracks (no pun intended) made a cover for it and then never really released it. This tape is available to download or stream at the Physique Sedition bandcamp site. Soundwise it's probably the most advanced we ever achieved. The instruments that are most prominently featured on the tape is probably the Yamaha TX16W sampler and the RY-30 drum machine.
Right now I'm putting together some kind of collection of earlier recordings. These have a much more primitive and minimal sound and will be available soon.
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